Never Been Kissed: Waiting For My One and Only

A lot of talk about wedding gowns, bride maid dresses, color themes, guest lists, budget and table cloths have been floating around my house since I’ve returned home for the summer. No, I am not getting married. But my brother is! The date is about a month and a half away and I’ve already gotten my dress which has me thinking about a more important dress I will buy in the future for my future wedding to my future husband who I may or may not have already met.

Speaking of future husbands, lets talk about that! A popular trend seems to be writing cute love letters to your future husband. I tried that…a couple times actually. Turns out I don’t know what to say when I don’t know who I’m talking to. After struggling with my words I shoot God a short prayer asking him to watch over my future hubby and keep him waiting for me like I’m waiting for him. Which brings me to my next topic.

What do I mean when I say “waiting” for him? As you have probably guessed judging by the title, I’ve never been kissed. Half of me is proud to admit that. The other half isĀ embarrassed. I am proud because I hold myself to high standards and stick to them but I am also embarrassed because…well, that one is a bit more obvious. Now let me make clear that I am not going to have my first kiss on my wedding day. I know couples who choose to do that and I applaud them! I think that is great! But as for me, how terrifying! The first kiss is already awkward enough but in front of all your friends and family? No Thank You. But I do plan saving that for my future husband and this is why:

First, I think of what I want in my husband. I want to be his one and only. I want to be the only girl he’s ever kissed and the only girl he’s ever loved. Sometimes I wonder what he is doing at this very moment. I wonder and hope I could be proud of what he is doing. Sometimes I wonder what he is thinking about. I wonder and hope I could be proud of that too. I expect a lot of him which is why I expect a lot of myself. The truth is, if you want to have a godly guy, you have to be a godly girl.

One of my favorite quotes is this: “A women’s heart should be so lost in God that a man must seek Him in order to find her.” I don’t know who said this but he or she is very wise. Follow the road God paved for you and eventually it will meet up with the man God intends you to walk with. I remember years ago I asked God not to let me meet my future husband until I learned to live for God whole heartedly. I am still working on that and I am still waiting but I know even if I have to wait longer than I plan, it will be worth it because it will be God’s plan.

So here’s to the girls with high standards. Here’s to the girls who are willing to wait for the one and only. Here’s to the girls who put God’s plan above their own. Here’s to the girls who are not afraid to be called a prude becauseĀ “a girl worth kissing, is not easily kissed.”
