“Hey Girls, Here’s How to be a Slut,” Says Cosmopolitan Magazine

Recently I was looking through my friend’s Cosmopolitan magazine because I was working on my own magazine pages in InDesign for school and needed some guidance and inspiration. I did manage to get some guidance but inspiration was more like disgust.

I was utterly appalled at the content in that magazine. I know I sound like an 80 year old grandma right now (call me old-fashioned) but honestly, no wonder girls throw themselves at guys these days. Cosmopolitan is one of the most popular magazine for women in their 20’s and it doesn’t exactly teach boundaries.

Now I don’t want to sound like a ranting bitter old hag who doesn’t like to have fun because rest assured that couldn’t be farther from the truth. There are things I do enjoy reading in the magazine. I am amazed at their creativity when it comes to painting your nails. I swear they have 100 different techniques for that. And unlike hardcore Christian magazines, they do bring up sensitive issues about our bodies that we as women SHOULD be aware of (this is a fault of most nun-friendly religious mags). We shouldn’t be so embarrassed or ashamed to talk about our bodies but there are lines you can cross and Cosmopolitan magazine definitely crosses them…or just removes the lines altogether.

A section called LUST is devoted 100% to you-know-what. If you ask me, I’d rather read a section about love. Love is a commitment, it’s forever, it’s fulfilling and beautiful. Lust leaves you feeling used, hurt, worse off than before, and alone. Now if I’m going to be completely honest, I think some of those articles are on the right track. For instance they warn against certain health issues and all things in moderation (if I’m pushing it) but the only time those articles are okay to be practiced is if you are married, which most of it’s readers are not. Those articles are dangerous in the hands of young innocent girls because it sparks interest and curiosity in things that should be taboo for them. Not only that, but it tells girls it is okay.

I know a lot of girls read Cosmopolitan magazine and love it! In fact, most of my friends read it. I also know that this post will not make me very popular but when you are a Christian in today’s society, popularity isn’t exactly a priority. Don’t get me wrong. If you read Cosmopolitan or another magazine like it, I am in no way judging you for that or saying you are a sex addict like the magazine seems to think are it’s readers. I am blaming the magazine for shaping the younger female generation into sex machines. To me, the magazine tells girls that you need to look pretty and the only think you are good  for is sex.


Girls, you are much more than that. Your outer beauty does not tell your worth. You are not defined by the number guys rate you or even how cute girls think your outfit is today. God is the one who designed you and He made you perfect and beautiful. He also made a boy just for you and you don’t have to dress like a slut to catch his attention. You don’t have to be a nun or throw out all your makeup either. Be real, be you, be honest, be true, but don’t be the girl society tells you to be. Be the girl God made you to be. That is the most attractive thing to a real man.

Project Inspired has a petition you can sign to stop Cosmopolitan from “marketing explicit porn tips to minors.”  SIGN HERE!
